ICE Did Questionable Things to Meet Deportation Goal

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement manipulated the system and did highly questionable things to meet deportation goals, the Center for Investigative Reporting reported in the Washington Post. The news organization reported that ICE included in its stats  more than 19,000 immigrants who exited the U.S. the previous year….

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Secrecy Surrounds Probe into Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Va. Nun in Drunk Driving Crash

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Secrecy surrounds a probe involving an illegal immigrant who killed a Virginia nun in a drunk driving incident. The Washington Post reports that the Department of Homeland Security won’t release findings of a probe into the matter and why the immigrant went nearly two years without a deportation hearing…

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Former ICE Official Charged with Scamming Govt out of $582,000 in Salary Scheme With Wife

By Allan Lengel A former assistant special agent in charge for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in California was arrested Friday on charges that he scammed the government by approving $582,000 in salary and benefits for his wife, who virtually did no work, the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney’s Office announced. Authorities said that…

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