Feds Target WikiLeaks with Controversial Court Order

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Using a law passed before the birth of the Internet, the U.S. government has obtained a controversial court order to force Google and a small Internet provider, Sonic.net, to hand over information regarding a WikiLeaks volunteer, reports the Wall Street Journal. The WikiLeaks volunteer was identified as Jacob Applebaum, and the…

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FBI’s John Perren Talks Terrorism, the Internet and the Endless Battle

WASHINGTON — Earlier this month, on the 5th floor of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, in the shadow the nation’s Capitol, John G. Perren, special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Branch, talked to ticklethewire.com editor Allan Lengel about lessons learned since Sept. 11, about the challenges the Internet has posed for terrorism investigations and…

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Suspected Terrorist Convicted in Atlanta in Trial That Explored Youthful Extremists and the Internet

The Internet has become a staple for terrorists. This  trial illustrated that.  Federal authorities have been working to monitor the terrorists activities on the Internet and have actually shut down sites. But it’s a daunting task considering there’s so much activity out there. How do you catch it all — or most? By Sebastian Rotella…

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