Ex-Attorney Generals Sign Letter Saying Feds Push For a Life Sentence for Ex-Head of Iowa Meat Plant Not So Kosher

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com More than a dozen ex-U.S. Attorneys, a former Solicitor General and six ex-Attorney Generals including Janet Reno, Ramsey Clark and Edwin Meese III,  have signed a letter written to an Iowa federal judge questioning “the government’s extreme sentencing position” regarding Sholom Rubashskin, the former chief executive of an Iowa kosher meat…

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Last-Minute Objections Being Raised About Iowa U.S. Atty. Nominee Stephanie Rose

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Some last-minute objections have surfaced against Stephanie Rose, who has yet to be confirmed by the Senate for the  U.S. attorney’s post in northern Iowa, the New York Times is reporting. Some defense attorneys are voicing concern about assistant U.S. Attorney Rose’s  leading role in the prosecution of  hundreds of illegal…

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