Obama Administration Refuses to Label ISIS Terrorists As Islamic Radicals

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Obama administration has done away with the term “radical Islam.” President Obama and others in his administration refused to use the term during a White House summit on combating what they preferred to call “violent extremism,” The Washington Times reports. On Sunday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson defended the administration’s…

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Muslim Group Complains That FBI Is Pressuring Islamic Community to Spy on Each Other

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Muslim leaders nationwide are expressing frustration with what they describe as overzealous attempts to get some in the Islamic community to spy on fellow Muslims, the Los Angeles Times reports. They describe increasing pressure and reported unannounced visits by FBI agents to mosques in California, Ohio, Texas, Minnesota and other states….

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Homeland Security Boosts Security for European Travelers to U.S. Over Terror Concerns

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Travelers flying to the U.S. on Western passports will face increased screenings as Homeland Security officials express concern about European Islamic militants trying to launch attacks, the Los Angeles Times reports. The idea is to “to learn more about travelers from countries from whom we do not require a visa,” Homeland…

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Muslims Oppose Appointment of Raymond Kelly As New Homeland Security Chief

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The potential nomination of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to the top position at Homeland Security has enraged Muslim-American groups, the Huffington Post reports. Islamic groups said Kelly, as the head of the nation’s largest police force, oversaw the targeting of innocent Muslim based solely on their religion. Kelly also…

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