Rep. Issa Suggests Homeland Chief Napolitano Moved Too Slow in Probe of Dead Border Agent Brian Terry

Allan Lengel It appeared to be Janet Napolitano’s turn to get roughed up by Rep. Darrell Issa, who has been spearheading a probe into ATF’s controversial Operation Fast and Furious, that encouraged Arizona gun dealers to sell to straw purchasers, all with the hopes of tracing guns to the Mexican cartels. Politico reports that…

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Arizona U.S. Atty.’s Abrupt Resignation Raises Doubts About Political Future

By JOSH GERSTEIN Politico WASHINGTON — Dennis Burke, one of Arizona’s most prominent and well-connected Democratic political figures, abruptly resigned as the state’s top federal prosecutor Tuesday, stirring doubts about earlier expectations that he might mount a bid for governor, attorney general or U.S. senator. Burke served in Washington as a senior adviser to Homeland…

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ICE Busts 72 in Crackdown on Child Porn and Child Exploitation

Allan Lengel Federal authorities on Wednesday announced charges against 72 people in connection with an international network dedicated to the sexual abuse of children and the creation and dissemination of child pornography. Authorities said it was the largest prosecution of its kind in the U.S.  involving a pedephillia bulletin board. The investigation, lead by…

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New Warnings to Replace the Color-Coded Terrorism Ones

By Allan Lengel Goodbye Code Orange, Code Yellow. We’ll hardly miss ya. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is set Wednesday to announce the new terrorism advisory warnings that will replace the color coded ones many citizens became numb to. Authorities said they will include a clear statement on the nature of the threat,…

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Homeland’s Janet Napolitano Says U.S. at Most “Heightened State” Since Sept. 11 Attack

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Certainly it’s not what we want to hear. Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security told a Congressional committee Wednesday that the terrorism threat “facing our country has evolved significantly in the last ten years – and continues to evolve – so that, in some ways, the…

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Homeland’s Napolitano Says Crime and Illegal Crossings at Border Down

By Allan Lengel Despite the contentious political rhetoric, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said crime and illegal crossings along the Mexico-U.S. border have dropped sharply. She attributed the change to an intensified focus on border enforcement and a “smart and effective approach to enforcing immigration laws.” “We have strengthened the Southwest border in a…

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