FBI Agent Peter Strzok No Longer Has Security Clearance

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Peter Strzok, the FBI agent whose anti-Trump emails have come back to haunt him, no longer has security clearance, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Thursday, The Hill reports. “Mr. Strzok as I understand has lost his security clearance,” Sessions stated during a radio interview on “The Howie Carr Show,” the Hill reports. Strzok was recently…

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Sessions Says There Could Be More Firings in Wake of IG Report on FBI

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Attorney General Jeff Sessions hints that there could be more firings after the release of a Justice Department inspector general report on missteps during ex-FBI Director James Comey’s era, The Hill reports. Sessions told The Hill’s new morning show “Rising” that the IG report will better help the agency improve from past mistakes that…

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Trump Wants Justice Department to Go After Oakland Mayor For Tipping Off Residents About ICE Raids

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com California in particular has been bumping heads with President Donald Trump over immigration policy. The latest: Trump wants the Department of Justice to investigate Oakland’s Mayor Libby Schaaf  for obstruction of justice after she warned constituents of upcoming raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents across northern California, Newsweek reports. “I mean,…

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