FBI Director Says Memo about Turf Battles Among Agencies ‘Made My Head Explode’

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com FBI Director James Comey expressed no patience with reported turf battles between the FBI and other federal agencies, Politico reports. Comey said he was rattled after reading a memo about the turf battles. “That report made my head explode,” Comey said at a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday. “I shared…

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Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Chief Defends Handling of Growing Crisis Involving Central American Children

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is defending the agency’s handling of tens of thousands of unaccompanied immigrants from Central America who were photographed in squalid, overcrowded conditions. The McClatchy Washington Bureau reports that Johnson also rejected Republican demands for the National Guard to respond to the crisis. Johnson unveiled a plan to…

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Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson Acknowledges Border Security Needs to Be Improved

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com In a major departure from his predecessor, new Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson is complaining that the border needs to be strengthened, the Washington Times reports. Unlike predecessor Janet Napolitano, Johnson is urging Congress to help improve border security. Napolitano took on the tone that the border was more secure than ever….

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Jeh Johnson

Justice Department Wants to Slow Pace of Deportations by Focusing on Immigrants with Violent Histories

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com City and county jails are increasingly rejecting federal requests to hold immigrants who are in the country illegally. Now the Justice Department plans to do something about it – reduce deportation mainly to immigrants who have committed violent crimes, the Los Angeles Times reports. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson is expected to make…

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