FBI Director Comey Says Homegrown Terrorists Pose Urgent Danger But Hard to Track

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com FBI Director James Comey said it’s impossible to gauge how many Americans are joining Islamic insurgents in Syria but emphasized that the threat is urgent, the Associated Press reports. Comey said he’s concerned about what he called “lone wolves,” or people who are connecting online with others interested in jihad. Those people…

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Was FBI’s Disinterest in NY Terror Case an Indicator That It May Have Been Overblown?

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Did police, district attorneys and Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg inflate the importance of a recent terror suspect arrest?  A New York magazine report suggests that was possibility. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., and Mayor Bloomberg announced the arrest of Jose Pimentel at a city hall news…

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