Feds Misbehaving in 2012

  By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Everyday, people in federal law enforcement head to work, grab a coffee, maybe a donut or a bagel, comb through their emails, read a newspaper or website and go about fighting crime, protecting the public from violent drug dealers, public corruption, gun-related crimes,  healthcare fraud and terrorism. But on occasion,…

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Feds Misbehaving in 2012

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Everyday, people in federal law enforcement head to work, grab a coffee, maybe a donut or a bagel, comb through their emails, read a newspaper or website and go about fighting crime, protecting the public from violent drug dealers, public corruption, gun-related crimes,  healthcare fraud and terrorism. But on occasion, something…

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New Orleans U.S. Attorneys Falls in Online Scandal

By NOLA.com The Times-Picayune NEW ORLEANS — Abruptly ending an 11-year run highlighted by the convictions of more than a dozen crooked politicians, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten resigned Thursday morning amid a metastasizing scandal in his office that started with prosecutors posting anonymous screeds on NOLA.com. Letten was the nation’s longest-serving U.S. attorney, having been…

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Controversy Brewing in New Orleans Over Allegations Prosecutor Posted Harsh Comments Online Under “Eweman”

By John Simerman New Orleans Times-Picayune NEW ORLEANS — Two of U.S. Attorney Jim Letten’s strongest backers in Washington expressed concern Wednesday about the recent allegation that a second top prosecutor in his office had posted intemperate remarks online taking bitter aim at targets of federal probes. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La. and Sen. David Vitter,…

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Fed Prosecutor Used Alias to Bash People — Including Fed Judges — in Comments Section of New Orleans Paper

By Times-Picayune Staff NEW ORLEANS — In a rare black eye for his office, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten confirmed Thursday that Sal Perricone, one of his top prosecutors, has been using the alias “Henry L. Mencken1951” to bash landfill owner Fred Heebe and a raft of other local and national figures, including federal judges, in…

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