Fed Judge Rules the Govt. Illegally Wiretapped Islamic Charity and 2 Lawyers

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — A San Francisco federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the government illegally wiretapped phone conversations of an Islamic charity and two American lawyers without a search warrant, the Associated Press reported. AP reported that U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker found the plaintiffs provided evidence to show “they were…

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San Francisco Fed Judge Declines To Penalize Justice Dept Lawyers For Flouting His Orders in Warrantless Wiretapping Case

This caseĀ  has far reaching implications. The fact the Obama administration has sided with the Bush administration has alarmed civil liberty groups. The question here is how transparent is this administration going to be? And how far will it go to keep things secret? By Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer A federal judge yesterday…

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