Justice Department Kicks Off Annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Pride Month

Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com There was a time in Washington where such an event would have been unheard of. That’s all changed. Attorney General Eric Holder kicked off  the Justice Department’s annual LGBT Pride Month Program on Wednesday, celebrating contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) employees as well as the civil rights gains made…

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Tribal Special U.S. Attorney Pilot Program Will Bridge Tribal and Federal Law Enforcement, Targeting Violence Against Women

Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) announced Tuesday that four Native American Tribes will participate in a new program aimed at improving law enforcement coordination in cases of violence against Native women, which “has reached epidemic proportions” according to the OVW press release. The pilot program supports four Tribal…

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Colombo Mob Boss Pleaded Guilty to Racketeering and Firearms Charges in Boston Fed Court

Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com Mob boss DeLeo’s been off the streets for a while, but that hasn’t kept the feds from coming after him. The 69-year-old Colombo Family ‘Street Boss’, of Massachusetts, pleaded guilty in Boston Federal court Thursday to racketeering conspiracy and illegal possession of firearms, the Justice Department announced in a press release. As…

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Justice Dept to Issa: Contempt “Unwarranted”

By TIM MAK Politico A top Justice Department official has fired back at Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, telling the Republican congressman that it would be “unwarranted and inappropriate” to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over the Fast and Furious investigation. “We believe that a contempt proceeding would be unwarranted given the information…

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Yes It’s So Sheriff Joe: Justice Dept. Goes After Him for Alleged Discrimination Against Latinos

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Yes, it’s so Sheriff Joe. The Justice Department on Thursday filed a civil lawsuit in fed court against the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, alleging a pattern of unconstitutional conduct that included discriminating Latino motorists and inmates. The lawsuit alleges that the department frequently stopped Latinos motorist…

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Former Venezuelan Supreme Court Justice “Singing His Heart Out” to DEA on Corruption in Chavez Gov.

Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com U.S. officials report a break-through in tackling drug trafficking from South America, according to the Associated Press. A former Venezuelan Supreme Court justice Eladio Aponte may be seeking permanent refuge in the U.S. for himself and his family in exchange for evidence linking Venezuelan officials to drug trafficking and corruption, and linking Venezuela…

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