Justice Dept. Agrees to Pay $140,000 to Fla Man After Prosecutors Withheld Evidence

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Florida Today reports that the Justice Department has agreed to pay about $140,000 to a Florida man who was released from jail after three years when the government admitted prosecutorial misconduct. The paper reported that the prosecutors hid evidence that could have set Nino…

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Santorum Accuses Obama Admin. Of Being Too Lax About Cracking Down on Porn

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Rick Santorum, who has marketed himself as the conservative Republican candidate who can defeat the liberal Barack Obama, is complaining the Obama Justice Department isn’t doing enough to crackdown on pornography. The Christian Post reports that Santorum had said on his campaign website that President Obama favored pornographers over children. On…

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Ex-Detroit Prosecutor Convertino Asks Appeals Court to Reinstate Suit Against Justice Dept.

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com DETROIT — Here we go again? We shall see. Ex-Detroit fed prosecutor Richard Convertino is asking a federal appeals court in D.C. to reinstate his privacy suit against the Justice Department over info leaked to Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter, the BLT: Blog of LegalTimes reported. Convertino, who was acquitted…

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