Atty. Gen. Holder Gets Grief in the Heartland; Protesters Interrupt Speech

By Allan Lengel U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.  gets his fair share of grief inside the Beltway, particularly from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee. But some of that grief on Friday came from elsewhere: the heartland. Minnesota Public Radio reported that Holder’s speech in Minneapolis at a conference on preventing youth violence…

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Congress Passes Extensions of Key Provisions of Patriot Act; 2 Senators Question Justice Dept. Interpretation of Act

By CHARLIE SAVAGE The New York Times WASHINGTON — Two senators claimed on Thursday that the Justice Department had secretly interpreted the so-called Patriot Act in a twisted way, enabling domestic surveillance activities that many members of Congress do not understand. At the same time, Congress and the White House were rushing to enact legislation…

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NY Prosecutor Preet Bharara Credited With Bringing Down Hedge Fund Giant Has Had Successful Run

By Jerry Markon Washington Post Staff Writer The Justice Department official credited with bringing down hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam is a wisecracking, self-effacing, Bruce Springsteen-loving prosecutor who is deadly serious about what he views as rampant insider trading on Wall Street. Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in Manhattan, has been hailed by some in…

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ATF Agent Jay Dobyns Rips ATF About “Fast and Furious” and His Problems With the Agency OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST Marshals: Flight Suspect Tried to Open Cockpit Door (AP) NY Mosque Leaders Object to Neighbor’s “Bomb” Sign (AP) Denver Jailers Won’t be  Disciplined in Homicide (AP)Reputed Mobster Put Out Hit (AP) Ex-Marine Gets Life for Killing Family (AP) Madoff Trustee Announces Settlement (AP) Drug Users Recruited to Help With Hands-On…

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