13 States Ask Justice Dept. to Help Find Execution Drug

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — States around the country are turning to the Justice Department for help in locating an execution drug, the Associated Press reports. AP reported that 13 states signed a letter sent to the Justice Department asking for help scoring sodium thiopental after the only U.S. manufacturer stopped producing it and…

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Justice Dept. Honors Robert Kennedy’s 50th Anniversary of Swearing in as Atty. Gen.

doj photo By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — On Friday, the Justice Department took pause to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s Swearing-in as  Attorney General in a building named after him. With Kennedy’s widow Ethel and daughter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend in attendance, along with some other notables,  Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr….

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