Former Fed Prosecutor Doesn’t Think There’s a Systemic Integrity Problem at Dept. of Justice

By Stephanie Gallagher Fraud With Peril Blog The Department of Justice has had several high-profile incidents in the past few weeks calling into question the integrity of its prosecutors – specifically the aftermath of the Ted Stevens trial, during which prosecutors failed to disclose exculpatory evidence, and the Shaygan trial in Miami, during which prosecutors…

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Career Prosecutor Mary Patrice Brown to Head Justice Dept. Office of Professional Responsibility

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — As part of a shake up in the Justice Department, career prosecutor Mary Patrice Brown will head up the Office of Professional Responsibilty, an internal unit first established in 1975 following the Watergate scandal to police ethical breaches. Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. announced that Brown would serve as…

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Justice Department to Review Criminal Case Against Ex-Justice Civil Rights Division Head Bradley Schlozman

One question is: How much resources and how much resolve does the Holder Justice Department have to continue investigating the question marks in the Bush era? This case may test that question. By Justin Elliott TPMMuckraker The Bradley Schlozman saga might have some life left in it, yet. The Justice Department is reviewing a decision…

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