Justice Says Missing White House Emails Found

Funny how those emails seemed to turn up just at the right time. By R. Jeffrey Smith Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — A Justice Department lawyer told a federal judge yesterday that the Bush administration will meet its legal requirement to transfer e-mails to the National Archives after spending more than $10 million to…

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Inspector Gen. Says Ideological Considerations Tainted Hiring Process At Justice Civil Rights Division

Here’s just another disturbing footnote in the Justice Department in the Bush years. By Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — Ideological considerations permeated the hiring process at the Justice Department’s civil rights division, where a politically appointed official sought to hire “real Americans” and Republicans for career posts and prominent case assignments, according…

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Controversial Office of Legal Counsel Will Undergo Heavy Scrutiny Under Obama Regime

By Mary Jacoby ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The famously leak-proof Barack Obama operation hasn’t said much about its plans for the Justice Department. But one thing’s clear: the controversial Office of Legal Counsel notorious for issuing what critics dubbed the “Torture Opinion” —  the sanctioning of extreme interrogation techniques  — is going to come under some…

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