Travelers Rate Airports for Efficiency of Checkpoints, Arrive at Different Conclusions
Steve Neavling What are the most efficient and headache-inducing airport checkpoints in the nation? The USA Today sought to find out by asking frequent flyers to voluntarily rate checkpoints for efficiency. The results were subjective and varied by traveler. Some targeted Orlando, Los Angeles and Raleigh, NC, as the least efficient airport checkpoint. One…

FBI: ICE Agent Justified in Fatal Shooting of Colleague Who Turned Gun on Boss
Steve Neavling The FBI has determined that an ICE agent did nothing wrong when he gunned down a fellow agent who had fired shots at a supervisor in February 2012, the L.A. Times reports. Ezequiel Garcia fired six shots at Kevin Kozak, the Los Angeles field office’s second in command, during a meeting about…

Rumor Mill Works Overtime in Controversy Between FBI and LA County Sheriff’s Dept.
Allan Lengel The rumor mill has been working overtime involving the controversy between FBI and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Lee Baca is fuming that the FBI didn’t tell him about its investigation into inmate abuse, or the fact that the FBI, in an undercover sting, paid a sheriff’s deputy about…

Feds Bust Man at LA Airport with 15 Live Lizards Strapped to Chest
Gecko/new zealand govt photo By Allan Lengel Talk about odd traveling companions. U.S. Customs agents busted Michael Plank of Lomita, Calif., at the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday with 15 live Australian lizards strapped to his chest, the Associated Press reported. Plank, who was returning from Australia, violated the law by failing to…