Investigation Opens to Find Leak of Alarming Study about Airport Security

By Steve Neavling It was an alarming discovery: An undercover operation found that investigators could slip through airport security with weapons and phony bombs more than 95% of the time, the Washington Post reports. But that information, which quickly spread nationwide, is considered “classified,” so whoever leaked it could face termination or even jail…

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Former CIA Director Petraeus Faces Sentencing for Leaking Classified Information

By Steve Neavling Former CIA Director David Petraeus faces sentencing Thursday for allegedly leaking classified information to a mistress who was writing his biography, Reuters reports.  The retired U.S. Army General has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material. But Petraeus won’t be sent to prison because…

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Justice Department Memo Suggests Leakers Face Firing Squad?

Steve Neavling Leak information and you face a firing squad from the Justice Department. So suggests a page of the ATF’s online manual, some employees complained, reports the Washington Times. With the recent mass shootings and leaks, some ATF employees were offended, saying the agency already fosters a hostile environment for whistleblowers. ATF authorities…

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Snowden Documents: NSA Has Undermined Encryption That Protects Online Privacy

Steve Neavling The NSA has surreptitiously succeeded in unscrambling encryption that protects people’s privacy online, the New York Times reports. It’s the latest discovery from documents leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden. According to the Times, the NSA has been able to undermine coding to access information ranging from personal e-mails to medical records….

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U.S. Blasts Russia for Granting Asylum to NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Steve Neavling The U.S. government has expressed deep disappointment over Russia’s decision to grant asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, the BBC reports. The White House is considering a number of moves to express that disappointment, including canceling a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We’re extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take…

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