Four People Arrested, Questioned Over Possible Connection to Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death

Steve Neavling Authorities may be closer to finding the source of the heroin that is believed to have killed 46-year-old actor Philip Seymour Hoffman. The USA Today reports that authorities arrested four people in Manhattan on Tuesday evening and were questioning them over possible connections to the actor’s death Sunday. The suspects were found…

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How the Feds Gave “Macy’s Bargain-Basement-Style” Guilty Pleas in Mob Case Because of A Very Shady Witness Who Was Convicted of Sexually Soliciting a Teen

By Allan Lengel Did fed prosecutors in a mob waste hauling case in Manhattan give two  hold-out defendants a sweet plea deal to avoid putting on the witness stand a key FBI undercover operative who was convicted of soliciting sex from a teen girl? That likely appears to be the case, according a story…

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