Colorado Asks DEA to Reclassify Marijuana

By Danny Fenster Barbara Grohl, head of the Colorado Department of Revenue, has written a letter asking the DEA to loosen federal controls on marijuana and recognize its “potential medicinal value,” the Denver Post reports. The letter, written on Dec. 22, is the result of a law passed last year; that legislation required the…

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Amish Raid in Hate Crimes Turns Up Marijuana Seeds, Cocaine

By Danny Fenster The Amish beard-cutting saga grows stranger and stranger. Talking Points Memo now reports that, along with scissors and clippers, federal agents also found evidence of marijuana and cocaine during a raid on the compound of the beard-cutting suspects. As previously reported, the FBI investigated possible hate crimes among the Amish community…

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Son of Ex-LA Fire Chief and TSA Officer Arrested at LAX in Drug Smuggling Operation

By Allan Lengel The son of a former Los Angeles fire chief and a Transportation Security Administration officer find themselves in big trouble. Authorities on Monday charged Millage Peaks IV with bribing TSA officer Dianne Perez to smuggle marijuana past security at Los International Airport on nine separate trips, the Los Angeles Times reported….

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San Diego U.S. Attorney Vows to Go After the Media for Pot Advertising

By Danny Fenster The Obama administration’s latest push against the medical marijuana industry is aimed at the media. U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy said she plans to start going after newspapers, radio stations and other outlets that advertise marijuana dispensaries, reports California Watch. “I’m not just seeing print advertising,” U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy told California…

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