7 lbs. of Meth Seized in Colo. Ski Town

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The mountains aren’t the only way to get high in Colorado Springs, Colo., apparently. Investigators seized seven pounds of meth and made four arrests in the ski resort town, reports KRDO. Vincente Martinez,40,  Jovel Cristian, 27, Martin Martinez, 21, and  Rafael Amezcua, 27,  all from Los Angeles, were arrested at a…

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DEA Dedicates $16.4 Million Building For Training to Deal With Methamphetamine

By Allan Lengel Ticklethewire.com QUANTICO , Va. — DEA agents in swat outfits simulated raids on a makeshift methamphetamine lab inside the new-two story building.  A studious-looking man in a white lab coat chatted about the scientific side of the highly-addictive drug made of potentially flammable and explosive chemicals. It was all part of the…

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