FBI’s George Piro, Chief Interrogator of Saddam Hussein, Named AD of International Operations

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com George Piro, the Beirut-born Assyrian-American  FBI agent who was the team leaders and lead interrogator of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, has been named assistant director of the International Operations Division at FBI headquarters. His most recent assignment was head of the Miami field office. Piro joined the FBI in 1999, and was first…

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Congressman Pushes Bill to Rename ATF Headquarters After Slain Agent Ariel Rios

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Congressman André Carson from Indiana hopes history repeats itself. The Congressman has introduced a bill to name ATF headquarters at 99 New York Avenue NE in Washington as the Ariel Rios Federal Building. ATF agent Rios, 28, was murdered by drug traffickers in Miami in 1982 while assigned to then Vice President George Bush’s…

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