Ted Kennedy FBI Files: Father Phoned FBI to Check on Rumors of Son; Tipster Told FBI Mob Was Trying to Set Up Teddy and Robert Kennedy and Peter Lawford

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — FBI files released Monday on the late Sen. Ted Kennedy show that Joseph P. Kennedy, the senator’s father, felt close enough to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to check on a rumor regarding his son. An FBI file dated May 11, 1954, said Kennedy called the bureau and spoke…

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Feds Indict 9 Christian Militia Members on Charges of Conspiring to Kill Law Enforcement Officers

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire Nine suspected members of a Christian militia were indicted in Detroit on charges of conspiring to kill law enforcement officers, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced Monday. Authorities charged that six Michigan residents, two from Ohio and one from Indiana plotted, according to one plan,  to kill an unidentified law enforcement officer…

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