Nail Biting Continues in Detroit: Deliberations Enter 6th Day for Ex-Council Aide to Cong. John Conyer’s Crooked Wife

By Allan Lengel The nail biting continues in Detroit where a federal jury on Wednesday is set to enter its sixth day of deliberations in the trial of Sam Riddle, an outspoken  former city council aide accused of shaking down business people along with his ex-boss, Council member Monica Conyers, wife of Congressman John…

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Feds Charge Detroit Political Consultant with Teaming Up with Rep. John Conyer’s Wife to Extort At Least $65,000

Sam Riddle/wdiv The political corruption probe continues to unravel in Detroit. The latest charges involve a free-talking political consultant Sam Riddle and  ex-Detroit City council member Monica Conyers, wife of Congressman John Conyers.  Riddle once worked as Monica Conyer’s chief of staff. By the way, this isn’t the end of the corruption charges in Detroit….

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FBI Looking into More Allegations Involving Rep. John Conyer’s Wife

Council Member Monica Conyers is not only the subject of public corruption probe involving a sludge hauling contract, but she’s also the target of other suspected payoffs including ones from a Detroit pawnshop. By Leonard M. Flemming, Paul Egan and Charlie LeDuff Detroit News DETROIT — Federal agents are investigating allegations that Councilwoman Monica Conyers…

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Feds Offer Detroit Councilwoman Monica Conyers — Rep. John Conyer’s Wife — A Plea in Corruption Probe

The FBI has been probing public corruption in Detroit for quite a while now. This latest involving Councilwoman Monica Conyers (in photo)  is only the tip of the iceberg. By JIM SCHAEFER, M.L ELRICK, BEN SCHMITT and JOE SWICKARD Detroit Free Press DETROIT — Federal prosecutors have offered Detroit City Councilwoman Monica Conyers a plea…

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