Judge Orders FBI to Release Records on Surveillance, Recruitment of Muslims

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A judge has ordered the FBI to release documents detailing its surveillance of Muslims and recruiting efforts in Northern California, The San Francisco Gate reports.  U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg of San Francisco said the FBI must disclose previously redacted or omitted information about the programs used to conduct surveillance of…

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FBI to Determine Whether Religious Hatred Motivated Shooting of 3 Muslims

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI is investigating the killings of three Muslims to determine whether religious or ethnic hatred motivated the shooting in North Carolina, WCNC-TV reports. The case remains under investigation by Chapel Hill police. The bureau said it “opened a parallel preliminary inquiry to determine whether any federal laws were violated.” So…

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Muslim Group Complains That FBI Is Pressuring Islamic Community to Spy on Each Other

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Muslim leaders nationwide are expressing frustration with what they describe as overzealous attempts to get some in the Islamic community to spy on fellow Muslims, the Los Angeles Times reports. They describe increasing pressure and reported unannounced visits by FBI agents to mosques in California, Ohio, Texas, Minnesota and other states….

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