Federal Appeals Court to Decide Whether FBI’s National Security Letters Are Constitutional

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A federal appeals court is expected to decide soon whether the FBI’s “national security letters” are constitutional, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The letters are a demand for customer information in terrorism-related cases, allowing the FBI to obtain information without a warrant. San Francisco U.S. District Judge Susan Illston ruled…

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Government Watchdog: FBI Spies on Wrong Americans Because of Routine Typography Errors

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI has unintentionally spied on Americans who were not the targets of investigations because of routine, avoidable mistakes, the National Journal reports. The Justice Department’s inspector general discovered that the FBI sometimes collected data on the wrong people because of typographical errors. “We found that the FBI’s corrective measures have not…

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Internet Companies Call For More Disclosure of Surveillance

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Microsoft, Twitter, Google and Facebook are calling for more disclosure of secret requests to hand over date of users, The Guardian reports. “Permitting greater transparency on the aggregate volume and scope of national security requests, including Fisa orders, would help the community understand and debate these important issues,” Microsoft said in an…

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