A Ranking Agent and A Telecommunication Specialist for DEA Charged in Connection With Strip Club That Hired Illegal Aliens and Had Prostitution

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A high-ranking DEA agent, who retired last month, and a telecommunications specialist for the agency were arrested on charges they flouted their duties by running a lucrative strip club in New Jersey where prostitution was captured on security video, the Associated Press reported. AP reports that court papers in New York…

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Grand Jury Indicts Sen. Menendez on Corruption Charges Involving Doctor

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey was indicted on corruption charges Wednesday, marking the first time a sitting U.S. senator has been criminally charged since Alaska’s Ted Stevens in 2008, The Wall Street Journal reports. The 61-year-old Democrat and key opponent of President Obama’s key foreign-policy initiatives said he was “outraged”…

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