Ray Kelly, Fierce Supporter of New York’s Stop-And-Frisk Policy, Still Mum on Homeland Security Post

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  Is New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly in line for the top Homeland Security post? Kelly said he’s spent time in Washington D.C., but added Sunday, “I know it’s wise to keep my mouth shut at this time,” Kelly told CBS’s “Face the Nation.” But pressure is building against Kelly, whose…

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Muslims Oppose Appointment of Raymond Kelly As New Homeland Security Chief

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The potential nomination of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly to the top position at Homeland Security has enraged Muslim-American groups, the Huffington Post reports. Islamic groups said Kelly, as the head of the nation’s largest police force, oversaw the targeting of innocent Muslim based solely on their religion. Kelly also…

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