Justice Department Finds Rampant Abuse at New York City Youth Jails

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com New York City’s juvenile jails are rife with abuse, and the constitutional rights of teenagers are often trampled by guards, according to a newly released Justice Department report. The Associated Press reports that the federal investigation revealed “rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force” at Rikers Island juvenile jail facilities for teenagers…

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Ray Kelly, Fierce Supporter of New York’s Stop-And-Frisk Policy, Still Mum on Homeland Security Post

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Is New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly in line for the top Homeland Security post? Kelly said he’s spent time in Washington D.C., but added Sunday, “I know it’s wise to keep my mouth shut at this time,” Kelly told CBS’s “Face the Nation.” But pressure is building against Kelly, whose…

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Homeland Security Spied on Occupy Wall Street Protests in about a Dozen U.S. Cities

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A division of the Department of Homeland Security spied and kept records on the Occupy Wall Street protests, even when they were peaceful the Huffington Post reports. More than 250 records obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund show the federal government was keeping close tabs on protesters. “Taken together, the…

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