Justice Dept. Drops Leak Probe into Warrantless Wiretaps That Earned NY Times a Pulitzer

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Sometimes leak investigation fade into the sunset, never to be heard again. That appears to be the case with the Justice Department, which has quietly dropped the  criminal investigation into a lawyer who admitted leaking information about President George W. Bush’s top-secret warrantless wiretapping program to The New York…

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Justice Dept. Indicts Ex-CIA Officer on Charges of Leaking Info to N.Y. Times Reporter

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — An ex-CIA officer involved in a classified clandestine operation involving Iran was arrested Thursday in St. Louis on charges of leaking classified information to a reporter, the Justice Department announced. Jeffrey A. Sterling, 43, of O’Fallon, Mo., was charged with six counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information,…

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Court Orders SEC to Reinstate Insider Trading Allegations Against Mark Cuban Who Ironically Bank Rolls Investigative Website on Securities Fraud

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Perhaps one of the more ironic things about Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban being accused of insider trading is that he bank rolls a website called Sharesleuth.com, which bills itself as “an independent Web-based reporting aimed at exposing securities fraud and corporate chicanery.” On Tuesday, Cuban was back in…

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New York Times Editorial: Republicans Using Fear and Terrorism for Politics and Sound Bites For Nov.

The New York Times Editorial Page An election is coming, so the Republicans are trying to scare Americans by making it appear as if the Democrats don’t care about catching or punishing terrorists. It’s nonsense, of course, but effective. The be-very-afraid approach helped former President George W. Bush ram laws through Congress that chipped away…

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