Police Chief Arrested in New York State On Accusations That He Threatened His Replacement

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A police chief is accused of retaliating against his temporary replacement for snitching on him to the FBI, CBS New York reports. FBI agents arrested Port Chester, N.Y. Police Chief Joseph Krzeminski on Monday, saying he physically threatened and retaliated against the department’s acting chief, John Telesca. Last week Krzeminski is accused of…

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Hate Group Files Suit for Permission to Post Controversial Anti-Muslim Ads on Buses

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  An anti-Muslim group is suing King County for refusing to let it post controversial FBI advertisements on Metro buses, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The anti-terrorism ads previously ran until the FBI pulled them following complaints that the image, which depicts mostly non-white, Muslim terrorism suspects, perpetuated a negative stereotype of Muslims. The…

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FBI’s Public Face in Navy Yard Investigation Grew Up in Rural New York

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com For anyone following the investigation into the Washington Navy Yard shooting, the face of Valerie Parlave may be familiar. Parlave, assistant director in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office, is responsible for informing the public about what happened when a gunman entered Navy Yard and opened fire, the Democrat and Chronicle…

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FBI Records: New York Knicks Appear to Have Fixed Games in the Early 1980s

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI investigated the New York Knicks in the early 1980s on allegations that three of the players shaved off points “as a favor to their cocaine supplier,” Sports Illustrated reports. The revelations come from the recently released book, “Larceny Games: Sports Gambling, Game Fixing and the FBI.” According to the book,…

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Deadly Bath Salts Became Big Craze in Syracuse, Making it ‘Ground Zero’ for Synthetic Drug

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Bath salts, a synthetic stimulant blamed for the deaths and panic attacks of users nationwide, appeared to become a craze in Syracuse before spreading elsewhere, the Syracuse Post-Standard reports. A former candidate of the Syracuse Common Council received a shipment of the drug, which he called “molly,” a name for the pure…

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