Inspector General Report: FBI’s Half-Billion-Dollar Computer System Is Rife with Problems

By Steve Neavling The FBI spent a half-billion-dollars on a Sentinel computerized file system, but the system is rife with problems, Newsweek reports. Officials insisted the Sentinel would be completed by the end of 2009 for $425 million. But a report by the Justice Department Inspector General found mismanagement, cost overruns and technical problems…

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Ex-FBI Agent Connolly Claims Justice Dept. Will Do Everything to Cover Up Full Story About Whitey Bulger and FBI

By Allan Lengel Imprisoned ex-FBI John Connolly, who was the Boston case agent for informant/mobster James “Whitey” Bulger, tells Newsweek: “The Justice Department is going to do everything within its power to try to make sure the full story never comes out” about Bulger’s activities and his relationship with the FBI. Connolly is serving…

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