New Technology Will Enable Law Enforcement Officers to Quickly Analyze DNA Swabs

By Steve Neavling Awaiting DNA results can be frustrating for law enforcement. But the FBI hopes to change that by expediting the process using the government’s new biometric identification database, Biometric Update reports. The FBI is accelerating the collection of DNA profiles for the Next Generation Identification System. Law enforcement officers will be able…

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FBI’s Facial-Recognition Technology Could Fail Up to 20% of the Time

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  The FBI has said its facial-recognition technology is a critical component of fighting the war on terror and other serious threats. But new records indicate the technology could fail 20% of the time, the National Journal reports. “An innocent person may become part of an investigation because the technology isn’t completely accurate,”…

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Privacy Group Sues FBI for Details on Sophisticated Biometric System

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  A group of privacy advocates is suing the FBI for refusing to release details about its Next Generation Identification system, which will be one of the largest biometric databases in the world, WND reports. The Electronic Privacy Information Center filed the suit, demanding information about technical specifications and private companies that are…

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