Northern Virginia

Brink’s Truck Driver Sentenced for Role in Inside Job that Netted $721,309
By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — As get rich-quick schemes goes, this was one of the riskier ones. Just ask Tyronda Ferrell, 23, a former Brink’s armored truck driver who was sentenced Monday in federal court in Washington to 6 years and 8 months in prison for her inside role in a brazen, mid-afternoon armored…

FBI Has Mystery on its Hands: Who is Shooting at Buildings in Northern Va?
By Allan Lengel The FBI has a mystery on its hands: Who the heck keeps shooting at buildings overnight in Northern Virginia? The latest came either late Monday or early Tuesday when authorities discovered that someone had shot at a U.S. Coast Guard recruiting center in Woodbridge, Va., the Washington Post reports. Authorities are…

Latest FBI Sting Highlights Complex Relationship Between Muslims and FBI
By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The latest FBI sting involving a Northern Virginia man who was allegedly plotting to blow up subway stations in Northern Virginia highlights the complex relationship the Muslim community has with the FBI. Reporter William Wan of the Washington Post reports when news surfaced that the FBI on Wednesday had…

FBI Says Shootings at 3 Virginia Buildings Linked; Gunman May Have Grievance Against Marine Corps
UPDATE: 1:05 p.m. –– The Associated Press reported that that the gunman who fired shots may have a grievance against the U.S. Marine Corps. At a press conference Friday , John Perren, acting head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, said he believes the person has a grievance against the Marine Corps, but not those…

FBI Ended DC Subway Sting Before Suspect Could Flee U.S.
By Allan Lengel For AOL News WASHINGTON — The FBI decided to end its sting and arrest a Northern Virginia man now charged with plotting to blow up D.C. -area subway stations because it was concerned he was about to leave the country to go on pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, according to a court document…

FBI Investigating Gun Shots at Buildings in Northern Virginia
By Allan Lengel The FBI said Tuesday it has opened an investigation into three mysterious shootings at buildings in Northern Virginia since Oct. 17, including the Pentagon. No one has been injured. The FBI said it has confirmed that shots fired at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Va., and the…

5 Northern Virginia Men Convicted of Terrorism in Pakistan
By Allan Lengel Five Northern Virginia men who vanished, only to appear in Pakistan, were sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of terrorism charges Thursday by a Pakistani court, the Washington Post reported. Pakistani authorities introduced evidence including emails, which it said showed the young men planned to carry out terrorist…