ACLU Recommends Budget Cuts Amid Imminent Government Shutdown Threats

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  New FBI Director James Comey may have to make big cuts to the bureau’s budget because of a government shutdown and last year’s sequester. The ACLU has some ideas about “programs that deserve to get the axe, because they’re ineffective, undermine innocent Americans’ privacy and civil liberties, or simply offend American values.”…

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Lawmakers Propose Changes To Close Gap When Terror Suspect Enters U.S.

Steve Neavling Lawmakers are trying to expand the surveillance powers of intelligence agencies to make spying more seamless when a terror suspect enters the U.S., the Associated Press reports. The idea is to close the gap between NSA and FBI electronic surveillance, which occurs because of different legal standards between the two agencies. That…

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Justice Department Watchdogs Did Nothing to Investigate Complaints about NSA Surveillance

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.comĀ  When federal judges repeatedly complained about the government misleading them about NSA’s secret domestic surveillance, the Justice Department never sprang into action, the USA Today reports. According to the USA Today, newly released records show the Justice Department’s internal ethics watchdog never investigated allegations of the NSA having surveillance on Americans’ phone…

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FBI Director James Comey Added to Revised NSA Surveillance Lawsuit

Steve Neavling A lawsuit alleging that the National Security Agency violated the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens now includes claims against new FBI Director James Comey, Bloomberg reports. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which filed the original lawsuit in July, alleges the NSA, with the help of the Justice Department and FBI, surreptitiously collected information…

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Snowden Documents: NSA Has Undermined Encryption That Protects Online Privacy

Steve Neavling The NSA has surreptitiously succeeded in unscrambling encryption that protects people’s privacy online, the New York Times reports. It’s the latest discovery from documents leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden. According to the Times, the NSA has been able to undermine coding to access information ranging from personal e-mails to medical records….

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Coalition of Civil Rights Groups Calls for Congressional Hearings on DEA Surveillance

Steve Neavling Revelations that the DEA uses NSA data to investigate non-terrorism cases against Americans has prompted a coalition of two dozen civil rights groups to call for congressional hearings, Reuters reports. The call for hearings comes after Reuters revealed that the DEA uses telephone surveillance from the NSA to build criminal cases against…

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