U.S. Atty in Chicago Asks Obama Not To Release Report on His Staff & Blagojevich Scandal

Just when you thought things couldn’t get more interesting, the U.S. Attorney makes a special request during the holiday season. BY ABDON M. PALLASCH Chicago Sun-Times CHICAGO — Barack Obama insisted once again Monday that his office did nothing wrong in its contacts with Gov. Blagojevich’s office over a replacement for Obama’s seat in the…

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Controversial Office of Legal Counsel Will Undergo Heavy Scrutiny Under Obama Regime

By Mary Jacoby ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The famously leak-proof Barack Obama operation hasn’t said much about its plans for the Justice Department. But one thing’s clear: the controversial Office of Legal Counsel notorious for issuing what critics dubbed the “Torture Opinion” —  the sanctioning of extreme interrogation techniques  — is going to come under some…

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