Justice Department Accused of Keeping Public Records from Being Released

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  President Obama pledged to run a transparent administration that respects public access to records. But an internal audit of the Justice Department recently found excessive secrecy, according to Slate. The audit found “persistent misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of certain classification processes.” For example, a review of documents found that information was…

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Obama Nominates Leslie Caldwell to Top Post in Justice Department Division

 Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com A defense lawyer whose expertise is white-collar crime was nominated Tuesday to be assistant attorney general  for the Justice Department’s criminal division, the New York Times reports. President Obama nominated Leslie R. Caldwell, a former federal prosecutor who worked in the Northern District of California and the Eastern District of New York….

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U.S. Probes Potential for Domestic Terrorism in Light of Military Involvement in Syria

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com As the prospect of U.S. military involvement in Syria raises, the House Homeland Security Committee plans to meet Tuesday to discuss the potential domestic security implications, The Star-Ledger reports. Authorities are worried that a military strike would inflame anti-American sentiments and prompt a terrorist attack. “In light of the atrocities witnessed in…

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Obama’s FBI Nominee, James B. Comey, Faces Tough Questions about Domestic Surveillance

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to grill James B. Comey about his views on enemy interrogations and government surveillance during a hearing today, The New York Times reports. President Obama’s choice to be FBI director has faced a tough confirmation process in the midst of revelations that the U.S. is conducting…

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Obama Administration Removed More than 100,000 Immigrants with No Criminal Record This Year

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The Obama administration is deporting fewer people, but his administration continues to oust tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who don’t have criminal records, The Washington Times reports. The deportation of rank-and-file immigrants – more than 110,000 this year – is incensing advocacy groups. “DHS consistently misleads the public about who it…

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President Obama Orders Review of Justice Department After Media Records Seized

   Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Responding to mounting criticism of the Justice Department’s decision to spy on journalists, President Obama ordered a review of the procedures of investigating reporters, The New York Times reports. Among the concerns, Obama said, is the potential for the probes to discourage investigative reporting. “Journalists should not be at legal risk…

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