The NRA Guns for Atty. Gen. Holder

By Allan Lengel for While an apologetic Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr. went before a Senate committee this week to talk about a failed gun-walking program, the National Rifle Association was gearing up its campaign to get Holder fired. In a new, slick 1 minute and 55 second television ad flush with with Fox…

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National Fraternal Order of Police Back Atty. Gen. Eric Holder

By Allan Lengel Attorney Gen. Eric Holder Jr., whose likely to get a grilling from Republicans over ATF’s Operation Fast Furious when he appears Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, got some welcome backing on Thursday. Politico reports that the National Fraternal Order of Police, the country’s largest group of sworn law enforcement officers,…

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Ex-Az U.S. Atty Drops Family of Slain Border Agent, Citing Govt. Attempts to Link Him to Gun Walking Cases

By Allan Lengel The overspill from ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious is touching plenty folks. The lastest: Former U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton, who has been representing the family of Brian Terry, the border patrol agent in Arizona who was killed by gunfire last December. The family has been considering legal action against the government…

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Feinstein, Breuer: ATF Needs Improved Gun Laws

By Danny Fenster Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) defended the ATF at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, reports the website Main Justice, saying the real problem is lax gun laws. “The number of deaths caused by American guns are up in the tens of thousands,” she said, claiming that 70 percent of guns…

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Rep. Issa Suggests Homeland Chief Napolitano Moved Too Slow in Probe of Dead Border Agent Brian Terry

Allan Lengel It appeared to be Janet Napolitano’s turn to get roughed up by Rep. Darrell Issa, who has been spearheading a probe into ATF’s controversial Operation Fast and Furious, that encouraged Arizona gun dealers to sell to straw purchasers, all with the hopes of tracing guns to the Mexican cartels. Politico reports that…

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