Republicans Use Paris Terror Attack to Go After Obama’s Immigration Plan

By Steve Neavling  Not even six hours passed before politicians began injecting the terrorist attack in Paris into budget debates.  CNN reports that Republicans are trying to add ammunition to their upcoming budgetary battle with Democrats by claiming President Obama’s new immigration policies hamper Homeland Security’s fight against terrorism. Republicans are expected to unveil…

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Feds Misbehavin’ in 2013

By Allan Lengel Every day, thousands of federal law enforcement agents wake up, grab their gun and badge and a cup of java, orange juice or tea and go out into the world to protect the public and enforce the laws. Unfortunately, every year, a few step over the line — way over the…

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9/11 Defendants to Be Tried in Military Court; Atty. Gen. Says He Still Believes Civilian Court Was Best Venue

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Because Congress has blocked Gitmo detainees from being prosecuted in civilian court, Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. said Monday that 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others will stand trial in a military court in Gitmo. The announcement marked a sharp reversal of his announcement in November 2009…

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