Justice Department to Investigate Cleveland Police on Complaint of Excessive Force

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Justice Department plans to announce it is investigating excessive force within the Cleveland Police Department, WXYC Channel 3 reports. The probe involves a police pursuit in November when Cleveland cops fired 137 bullets at an unarmed man and woman. WXYC reported that a news conference is expected today to announce the…

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Ex-FBI Agent Accused of Disrupting A Probe into Military Fraud Not Jailed

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  A former New York FBI Agent accused of an “extensive scheme” to derail a criminal investigation into potential military fraud will remain free from jail – for now, reports the Salt Lake Tribune. U.S. District Court Judge Ted Stewart dismissed prosecutors claims that Robert G. Lustyik Jr., 50, would continue to disregard…

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Senator Calls for Special Prosecutor in National Security Leaks; Calls Justice Dept. Efforts Insufficient

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Sen. Joseph Lieberman wants a special prosecutor to investigate leaks of classified information following allegations that the White House disclosed the secrets, Reuters reports. Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Lieberman said that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s appointment of two federal prosecutor was insufficient. The security leaks includes…

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Oregon Mosque Critical of FBI Probe

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Oregon’s largest mosque feels under siege by snoopy FBI agents who have placed at least five affiliates of the mosque on no-fly lists without an explanation, the Religion News Services reports. Included on the roster of suspected terrorists banned from flying in the U.S. is the longtime religious leader of At…

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Cable Companies Probed for limits on Online Video

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Justice Department has launched an anti-trust investigation into whether cable companies are acting improperly to hurt competition from online video, the Wall Street Journal reported. Justice Department officials have talked to cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner Cable about setting data caps and limiting how much a subscriber can…

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