Acting Head of ICE to Resign Friday After Just 6 Months; Gives No Explanation

Steve Neavling John Sandweg, a former defense attorney who became the acting head of ICE in August despite scant law enforcement experience, plans to resign Friday, Fox News reports. Sandweg notified agency employees in a letter that he’s joining the private sector. He offered no explanation for his departure. “Over the past several months…

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President Obama to Search for New Homeland Security Secretary to Replace Napolitano

  Steve Neavling  President Obama soon will have to replace Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano after she announced Friday that she’s resigning to head the University of California system, the Washington Post reports. Napolitano plans to resign in September, which gives Obama a little more than a month to find a replacement. The White…

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President Obama Demands, Accepts Resignation of the IRS’ Acting Commissioner

Steve Neavling The acting commissioner of the IRS resigned Wednesday after the agency disclosed it had targeted conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, the Washington Post reports. President Obama demanded the resignation of Steven T. Miller in hopes of quelling the controversy. Obama spoke briefly but passionately about the IRS’ disclosure. “Americans are right to…

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Republican Senator Sessions Slams ICE Director Morton, Calling for His Resignation

Steve Neavling  Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions on Tuesday blasted the performance of ICE Director John Morton and called for his resignation, saying he has failed to enforce immigration law, the Daily Caller reports. “Mr. Morton can no longer effectively serve at this post, and perhaps more importantly there can be no comprehensive immigration reform…

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Justice Department’s Head of Criminal Division Lanny Breuer to Resign Soon

Steve Neavling  The Justice Department’s expert on public corruption and financial fraud is leaving the federal government, the Washington Post reports. Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, head of the criminal division,  is calling it quits,  the Post reports. Breuer has been praised for aggressively pursuing white-collar crime and beefing up the division’s involvement…

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