Better Late Than Never: Nixon Library to Release Nixon’s Grand Jury Testimony on Watergate

 By Allan Lengel Better late than never. The Nixon Presidential Library in California on Thursday is making available Nixon’s grand jury testimony about the Watergate scandal, the Associated Press reports. This should be interesting. The public release of the material comes four months after a judge ordered the June 1975 records unsealed. “This is…

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FBI Files Show Steinbrenner Dodged Agents Probing His Illegal Donations to Nixon

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The often outspoken and never shy late Yankees owner George M. Steinbrenner was not so talkative when it came to an FBI probe into his illegal campaign contributions to President Nixon’s re-election campaign, the New York Daily News reported. Based on FBI documents released Thursday, the Daily News reported…

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Former Secret Service Agent Alfred Wong Who Supervised Installation of Taping System in Nixon White House Dies at Age 91

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Alfred Wong, a former Secret Service official who reportedly oversaw the installation of the taping system at the Nixon White House, and whose job at one point was to prevent the White House from being bugged, died last week of mesothelioma, a form of cancer, the Washington Post reported….

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Atty. Herbert Miller Who Helped Convict Hoffa and Brokered Nixon Pardon Dies at Age 85

Miller Helped Convict James Hoffa By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Herbert J. “Jack” Miller Jr. lead the Justice Department’s  war on organized crime in the 1960s under Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy,  and helped convict legendary Teamster James Hoffa ,  according to the Washington Post. On the flip side, as a top notch D.C. defense…

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