FBI Mueller’s Full Statement Before Judiciary: “FBI Has Never Faced a More Complex Threat Environment”

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III began the process on Wednesday of getting a two- year extension when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Committee is considering a bill that would extend his stay two years beyond the 10-year term, which expires in September. Currently legislation limits the term…

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IG Says FBI Misled Public and Congress About Surveilling Anti-War Rally in 2002

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — The FBI including the director gave inaccurate and misleading statements to Congress and the public about reasons why an agent conducted surveillance at an anti-war rally in 2002 at the Thomas Merton Center in Pittsburgh, according a report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General. The report concluded that the…

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