Mueller Team Could Produce Indictments Addressing Collusion By Fall, Bloomberg News Reports

By Allan Lengel Do folks in the Trump camp need to keep worrying about the Robert Mueller probe? Bloomberg News, citing a “person familiar with the probe,” reports that Mueller is preparing to accelerate his probe into possible collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russians in the 2016 election. The source tells Bloomberg…

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In Manafort Case, Encrypted Messages Don’t Mean Much if People Involved in the Conversation Are Snitches

By Allan Lengel How did special counsel Robert Mueller’s people get Paul Manafort’s encrypted messages that suggested he was tampering with witnesses? In a court filing, Mueller writes that FBI investigators obtained messages that Manafort—who was indicted for money laundering, tax fraud, and other charges in October—sent to witnesses in his case in an attempt…

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Donald Trump’s Persistent Campaign Against Federal Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Agencies

By Allan Lengel President Donald Trump’s attacks on federal law enforcement and the intelligence agencies have been persistent and consistent since taking office. Natasha Bertrand of The Atlantic writes:   In the 22 months since the FBI launched its counterintelligence investigation into potential coordination between members of Trump’s campaign and Russia, Trump has attacked his…

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Politico Tries To Provide a Snapshot of Robert Mueller’s FBI Investigators

By Allan Lengel Politico’s Josh Gerstein tries to provide a snapshot of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s FBI team, writing that the group has a wide range of skills, with some specializing in financial frauds, others in counterintelligence or corruption, and still others adept at investigating computer hacking and other forms of cybercrime. Politico reports: Mueller’s FBI crew…

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