Rod Blagojevich

Court Tosses 5 Counts Against Rod Blagojevich; He’s Likely to Be Resentenced
By Allan Lengel Imprisoned ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojovich, who is serving 14 years for corruption, is likely to be resentenced as as a result of a federal appellate court ruling on Tuesday, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The paper reports that the court tossed five counts against Blagojevich. But the court ruled the ex-politician could not be released…

When Will We See Them Again? Release Dates on Some Public Figures
By Allan Lengel It’s interesting how soon we forget about public figures when they run afoul of the law. Sometimes years go by before we finally say, “Gee, whatever happened to Congressman so-and-so” and “I wonder when he’s getting out of prison.” Well, was wondering the same. So we checked with the Bureau…

When Will We See These Public Figures Again? Here’s the Release Dates
By Allan Lengel It’s interesting how soon we forget about public figures when they run afoul of the law. Sometimes years go by before we finally say, “Gee, whatever happened to Congressman so-and-so” and “I wonder when he’s getting out of prison.” Well, was wondering the same. So we checked with the Bureau…

Column: Chicago’s U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald Will Return to Public Office: Count on It
By Allan Lengel Once in a while a U.S. Attorney comes along and makes a mark not only locally but nationally. U.S. Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago was one of those guys. Fitzgerald resigned and left office last Friday, leaving behind a legacy that included prosecuting the ever-chatty ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich and Dick Cheney’s right…

FBI Arrests Former Fundraiser for Blagojevich, Jesse Jackson Jr.
Steve Neavling A former campaign fundraiser for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. was arrested Wednesday on charges he paid bribes and kickbacks related to his outpatient surgery centers, the Associated Press reports. Raghuveer Nayak pleaded not guilty and was released on $10 million bond. The FBI accuses him of…

U.S. Attorney Who Prosecuted Blagojevich Heads for Private Sector
Shoshanna Utchenik Reid J. Schar, lead prosecutor in the Rod Blagojevich corruption retrial in 2011, may have cinched the convictions that sent Blago to prison with the question: “Mr. Blagojevich, you are a convicted liar, correct?” Now Schar, 40, is taking his show on the road. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Schar is leaving…

Bye Bye Blago: Ex-Ill Gov Heads off to Prison in Colo.
By Allan Lengel Ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the guy who had an acute case of rambling on and on, may be a bit more careful now that he’s behind bars. The Illinois governor, aka “Blago”, reported to prison Thursday morning at the Federal Correctional Institution Englewood in suburban Denver, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Now Blago…