Would-Be Reagan Assassin John Hinckley No Longer a Threat?

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com The man who tried to assassinate president Ronald Reagan “would not pose a significant risk” if given more freedom from the mental hospital he resides at, a forensic psychologist testified Tuesday in federal court in D.C. The psychologist, Paul Montalbano. testified during the 11th day of proceedings which sought to determine how…

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John Hinckley Jr. Appeared to be Stalking Pres. Carter in 1980 — About 6 Mos. Before He Shot Reagan, Files Show

By Dan Whittle Murfreesboro Post When former President Jimmy Carter came to Nashville back in October 1980, a stalker followed him with the probable intent of shooting the president, according to recently released government documents. “John Hinckley Jr. was in Nashville the same day (Oct. 9, 1980) Jimmy Carter was at Opryland Hotel and making…

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Herman Cain Asked for Secret Service Protection, Washington Post Reports

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com We’re getting a little more insight as to why presidential candidate Herman Cain was granted Secret Service protection — the first candidate to get protection in this campaign season. Apparently Cain asked for it, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and congressional leaders approved it Thursday,  reports the Washington Post. The…

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