Marijuana Use and Disorders Double

By Ross Parker Marijuana use has doubled in the last decade, and with that has come a doubling in the use disorders associated with it, according to a recent medical study by a Columbia University epidemiologist published this week in The Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry and in Medscape Medical News. Dr. Deborah Hasin reported…

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A Look at Some Upcoming Supreme Court Cases of Note

By Ross Parker Supreme Court Justices have a busy November with, among their other duties, six days of Oral Argument, including five cases of interest to criminal justice folks on both sides of the aisle. Death Penalty Jury Selection:   No Court calendar would be complete without a contentious death penalty case. Foster v. Chatman…

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Detroit U.S. Attorney’s Office Takes Time Out to Celebrate Its 200th Anniversary

By Allan Lengel DETROIT —  Federal court, more often than not, is a pretty serious place. But on Wednesday, judges, prosecutors, attorneys, courthouse staff and members of the media gathered on the first floor of the U.S. District Courthouse in downtown Detroit to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The crowd…

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Supreme Court to Decide Three Thorny Capital Cases

By Ross Parker The U.S. Supreme Court will begin its 2015-2016 term with oral arguments in October on three tough cases on capital punishment from the minority of states which still maintain a de facto death penalty. In Kansas v. Carr, Gleason, the issues presented involve the trial judge’s instruction to the jury and…

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The Role of Doctors in the Heroin

By Ross Parker With the recent volume of media on the issue of the heroin epidemic, its overdoses and deaths, has come an effort to provide an easy explanation for the cause of and solution to this multifaceted problem. Much of the blame has been directed at doctors, who are charged with being either intentionally…

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Fentanyl-Heroin Overdose Deaths Surge

By Ross Parker Three months ago the mother of an Ypsilanti Township man found her young son slumped over in his bed, dead, with a syringe still in his hand. He was one of the latest victims of the deadly combination of heroin laced with the prescription drug fentanyl. Zachary Burdette is charged in…

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