Fed Agents Go After Suspected Mexican Cartel Members in U.S. in Response to Murder of ICE Agent

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Federal agents have been conducting raids in U.S. cities and targeting Mexican cartel members in response to last week’s murder of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico, the Associated Press reported. Another ICE agent Victor Avila Jr. was shot and wounded. “We are taking a stand and…

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Mexican Cartels Beefing Up U.S. Presence

By William Booth and Nick Miroff Washington Post Foreign Service SAN DIEGO — When a major Mexican drug cartel opened a branch office here on the California side of the border, U.S. authorities tapped into their cellphones – then listened, watched and waited. Their surveillance effort captured more than 50,000 calls over six months, conversations…

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America’s Love Affair With Some Serial Bank Robbers

By Matt Castello ticklethewire.com On the ever-popular Facebook, words of support, encouragement and disbelief plaster a wall with 2,700-plus followers dedicated to the elderly, ever-elusive San Diego bank robber dubbed the “Geezer Bandit”. “This is the first time I’ve heard of this guy,” wrote one Facebook fan. “And he just became my personal hero.” “Financial…

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High-Ranking Mexican Law Enforcement Official Among 43 Charged in Crackdown on Mexican Cartel

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Federal authorities in San Diego charged a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official and 42 others as part of a crackdown on a major Mexican drug cartel — the Fernando Sanchez Organization — that allegedly was involved in murders and kidnappings, the San Diego Tribune reported. The Mexican official, Jesus Quinonez Marquez,…

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