Trump’s Ex-Campaign Manager Manafort May Face Another Indictment
Former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates may face another indictment in the Trump-Russia probe headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Former campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates may face another indictment in the Trump-Russia probe headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The salacious dossier that claims Donald Trump and Russia may have colluded to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign remain unsubstantiated, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before Congress last week.
Just days before meeting with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office later this week, Trump’s attorneys are reportedly optimistic that the president is on the verge of being exonerated.
President Trump echoed his lawyers’ claims Sunday that the special counsel team investigating his campaign’s ties to Russia had engaged in improper conduct, but he said he has no plans to fire Robert Mueller, the leader of the quickly evolving probe.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team is requesting information from a data firm used by Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 presidential election.
A majority of voters polled by a new survey believe Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a “conflict of interest” in the investigation into Russia and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
President Trump’s lawyers are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate possible conflicts of interest and other issues in the Justice Department and on the special counsel team probing the Trump campaign.