John Hinckley Jr. Appeared to be Stalking Pres. Carter in 1980 — About 6 Mos. Before He Shot Reagan, Files Show

By Dan Whittle Murfreesboro Post When former President Jimmy Carter came to Nashville back in October 1980, a stalker followed him with the probable intent of shooting the president, according to recently released government documents. “John Hinckley Jr. was in Nashville the same day (Oct. 9, 1980) Jimmy Carter was at Opryland Hotel and making…

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13 States Ask Justice Dept. to Help Find Execution Drug

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — States around the country are turning to the Justice Department for help in locating an execution drug, the Associated Press reports. AP reported that 13 states signed a letter sent to the Justice Department asking for help scoring sodium thiopental after the only U.S. manufacturer stopped producing it and…

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Tenn. FBI Agent Convicted of Fraud

By Allan Lengel A federal jury in Nashville on Thursday convicted an FBI agent  on 15 counts of wire fraud and three counts of bankruptcy fraud, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced. Agent Darin Lee McAllister, 44, of Brentwood, Tenn., who is married to a Christian gospel singer,  was indicted in May on the multiple…

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